Thursday 15 October 2009


My photo "At Salem" referred to in a previous post has had a few more hits in Flickr. Given Halloween is vast approaching I expect it will get a few more in the next few weeks. I've visited the Boston area many times over the years during Autumn (or the "Fall" as the locals call it) and so far find it my favourite part of the US especially at this time of year. You can take a chance with the weather - but while some days can be miserable, when the sun comes out it is glorious.

Anyway here are some more of my photos taken in Salem one October 31st a year or so ago. On looking at them again, I'd like return there and take some better ones.

I'm always amused at the differences between countries. Here in London, Halloween could quite easily pass you by - not exactly unnoticed but its not such a big deal. Over in the States - in Massachusetts at least - at this time of year its in your face, the stores are full of Halloween candy and costumes, the kids go trick or treating big time ....

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