Monday, 19 December 2011


My informal "signs" project continue, and here are a few more photographs for consideration ...

What does this sign mean ? No parents and children ? 

Saw this one in Paris

I've posted a different view of this sign previously, here. The trees would have to be fairly low here for this sign to be of value - it is resting on the pavement.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Countdown Continued

That Olympics countdown clock in Trafalgar Square here in London has a constant stream of visitors using it as a backdrop for photos of themselves. At times there is almost a queue.

New Year is a few weeks away - the Square usually fills with 1000's of people welcoming the new year at midnight on Dec31st. I wonder if this clock will be the only one to have a night off ?

Friday, 2 December 2011

Another Day in Paris

Spent another very pleasant day in Paris last week, again courtesy of my frequent flyer airmiles. A rather colder day than the last time - wintry and very overcast - unlike in September when there was nothing but very blue skies and 30 degrees plus. You may have seen my post on that day here.

Didn't think I'd manage to get many images given the light this time, but uprated the iso to 800 (rather than the 200 which is my usual.) Visited a part of the city which I hadn't been too for many years - the Centre Pompidou - where I captured this sequence ...

 Wonder if I could have photographed a similar sequence on London ? The powers that be in London seem to consider the pigeons as pests.