The now annual Thames Festival came around again on September 11/12, with its Night Carnival on the evening of the 12th. I had tried to take some photograph last years event, and despite some success with one of them achieved mainly disappointing results (please look at my previous posts on Thames Festival), and so I wanted to try again.
I managed to take a number of images, but on an initial look at the results, nothing stands out of the pack.
I'm sure I'll have more time during the coming winter months to study the photographs in more detail. I'm thinking now that I may have enough images from this (and last) year's event to put together a sequence of, say 5 to 10 images, showing something the flavour of the Night Carnival, rather than looking for stand alone
images. Putting together panels/sequences of 5 to 10 images on subject is something I've been get into lately - a sort of short photo essay.