Back in my film days I used to use Kodak HIE (black & white infrared film) - and liked it. Not for every day use, but probably for some landscape work when it is at its most most effective, at this time of year, ie late spring/early summer when the vegetation is freshest and reflecting lots of infrared light.
Unfortunately HIE film is no longer being manufactured (shame !) and so I'm trying the Rollei version - there is a roll in my film camera now (and more awaiting usage are stored in my fridge) - more on that later. I'll have to get back into film processing and I'm not looking forward to that.
Anyways, in the meantime I'm trying to get an infrared effect with my digital camera. I've got a Hoya R72 filter - its almost black (VERY dark red, you can't see through it with naked eye), with a screw thread. This makes for quite long exposure times - in seconds - so my tripod is getting good use, as hand holding the camera is not on.
Here are some initial - digitial - results.
I had to do some processing in Photoshop later with the Raw digital files - but nothing like the processing needed if my source files were ordinary colour, and the effect I'm getting is closer to what I want. So far, think I prefer HIE. But I'll be taking some more digitial over the next few weeks and trying out what Rollei has to offer. As I said earlier, more on that later.